Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Reasons Why People Avoid Going to Mental Health Services Organization for Their Treatment

Most people who are struggling with mental illness are not ready to accept that they are suffering from a mental health condition. As they do not acknowledge the very existence of a problem, they do not tend to readily seek treatment for their condition. Even if some patients try to get treatment for their concerned issues, they are unable to get the appropriate care required for the betterment of their condition. Most people are naïve and always ready to pass judgment that such people are not ready to be treated, but it is important to understand the reason why they do not seek help. This gives rise to a question “Why don’t people get help?” and answering it has become necessary. Let’s take a look at most shared reasons among the patients for not seeking help form Mental Health Services Organization:

Patients are afraid and feel shame

The feeling of fear and shame is considered one of the most common reasons for not going to a treatment center. People are afraid of being labeled as mentally retarded or crazy. This discrimination and negative association prevents people suffering from mental health conditions from seeking treatment for their illness. Being associated a mental person does have an adverse impact on their personal, educational, and professional life.

Patients lack insight

Most of the patients that experience mental illness are unable to see that they are suffering from one. The fact that they believe that there’s nothing wrong with them shows that they lack insight. As a matter of fact, there has been studies conducted on this condition and it is termed as Anosognosia. A patient suffering from Anosognosia may think that they are all right this is why they don’t feel the need of visiting the Mental Health Services Organization.

Patients have no awareness of mental illness

It’s not always necessary that patients are ignorant of their medical condition. Some people do observe the change and are concerned. However, they may lack awareness of mental illness and assume the change in condition as a consequences of overburden.

Patients don’t want to feel inadequate

Accepting the fact that that there is something wrong may actually make some people feel that they are inadequate. They believe that they can manage the condition on their own and consider it as part of their personality rather than framing it as an illness. Some people also think that if they seek help by going to a Mental Health Services Organization, they would be considered as inferior or weak for seeking help from others.

Patients are not ready to discuss their illness with their doctors

It is important for a patient to share their issues and how they feel with their doctor in order to obtain treatment for their mental illness. However, patients with serious mental illness have a feeling of distrust, where they are not ready to share their personal information with the doctor of Mental Health Services Organization as they fear that they might reveal about their mental condition to everyone.
For a third person, these reasons may seem irrelevant or may sound as an excuse for not seeking treatment, but for a patient who is suffering from mental illness, these concerns are valid and important to a great extent, thus prevent them from seeking the treatment for their mental health condition.

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